11 a.m. - 1 p.m.:
Matthias Bickenbach(Köln)
Christoph Keller (Berlin)
Hubertus Kohle (München)
Claus Pias (Weimar)
Martin Warnke (Lüneburg)
Moderation: Wolfgang Ernst
The first panel will deal with historical and cultural impacts of archival orders, considering th archive as a form of organising science and knowledge. The difference between pictorial and textual/written registering of images will be discussed and consequently the notion of the image according to analogous or digital methods of registering.
The issues of this panel include viewings of historical image-archives (e.g. Aby Warburgs Mnemosyne- Atlas) as well as inquiries about the history of technical representation, measurement and observation. Also, the relationship between the technical medium of memory and the culturally encoded gaze of the observer should be considered: does digital retrieving of images place us at a new turn of iconological orders, one which produces new units of meaning, as Morelli's epistemological revolution had done? (One of the first digital image retrieving systems for art scholars was namend after him!)
Finally, the question of the images' status as historical documents should be taken into account, and the question of hidden authorship and reference in found footage, scientific and industrial films as well as the "abandonment" (Tobias Nagel) of digitally reproduced pictures that can easily be manipulated, mixed and scratched.