teaches media theory, literature, and human rights at Bard
College (Annandale-on-Hudson, New York), where he also directs the Human
Rights Project (http://www.bard.edu/hrp). He taught previously at SUNY
Binghamton and Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. in Comparative
Literature from Yale University. He is author of _Fables of
Responsibility_ (Stanford UP 1997), and editor of books on the museum and
on the wartime journalism of Paul de Man. His current manuscript is called
_Live Feed: Crisis, Intervention, Media_, based on his research into
media and contemporary conflicts.
He was a fellow at the Shorenstein Center for the Press and Politics at
Harvard University in 1998. He serves on the boards of the Soros
Documentary Fund and _Human Rights Review_, among others, and co-directs
International Justice Watch (JUSTWATCH-L), an Internet discussion group on
human rights and humanitarianism, war crimes, genocide, the international
criminal tribunals and the conflicts which gave rise to them. He was
co-organizer of conferences on "humanitarian intervention in the media
age" (at the American Center in Paris in 1994) and "Data conflicts: On the
geopolitics of cyberspace in Eastern Europe" in Potsdam in December 1996.
Reality Would Have to Begin, über Harun Farocki, 1988