is the author of six books and over seventy articles. His books on documentary film, Representing Reality and Blurred Boundaries are both widely used and frenquently cited. Later this year his Introduction Documentary and an edited volume, Maya Dren and the American Avant-Garde, will appear. His 1985 essay in Screen magazine, „The Work of Art in the Age of Electronic Culture„, was among the first critical assessements of new media and has been reprinted in recent anthologies.
Peter Forgacs has made a series of films on Hungarian and broader European
history in the 1930s and 1940s. These films are a "private history" that he has
made by a process of visual archaelogy. All of the footage comes from home
movies shot by individuals during these years. I will discuss how he creates
the shadow of an official history from these materialss and how he organizes and
searches his visual archive, without, at this point, a digital search engine.